Opening event in Sigulda region

Place: Sigulda region

Time: 12:00 — 15:00

Date: July 7

Display of songs, words and deeds in the region of Sigulda.

Lēdurga – FOREplay – relationship issues in songs and beyond.

Inčukalns – COUNTERplay – when people from Vidzeme and Latgale encounter one another...

Krimulda – DOUBLEplay – work ethics and singing work.

Mālpils – OUTplay – teasing-songs and bagpipe performance.

Jūdaži – BYplay – everything relevant to gardening and beekeeping.

Sigulda – ENDplay – song battles and memoirs of tourist guides.

Inciems – ROLEplay – songs, stories and advices on getting along with others.




Opening event in Sigulda region

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